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The Holy Grail For Flight Sim Fans? MSFS Through-The-Lens Of The Varjo VR-3

Might the Varjo VR-3 actually be the holy grail for flightsim fans? In this video I am showing you Varjo VR-3 through-the-lens footage of Microsoft Flight Simulator! And in a nutshell: YES! This might...

Varjo VR-3 Unboxing & First Impressions – The Future Of VR

The Varjo VR-3 is a high-end VR headset that is aimed at business customers. It features Varjo’s Bionic display technology that allows for human-eye resolution at over 70 ppd in the user’s...

Varjo VR-3 Though-The-Lens – The Best VR Headset Money Can Buy

The Varjo VR-3 is a new high-end VR headset for enterprise customers. The company wants to achieve true immersion for their customers. And with those specs, they might get very close to actually make ...

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