Vive Focus 3 – Wireless SteamVR Streaming Live Test

I have just done a 2+ hours livestreaming test of the Focus 3, testing out wireless SteamVR streaming.

My TLDW findings: it works surprisingly well. I used the Huawei Router 3, a $50 Wifi6 router, the cheapest I could find. My PC runs an RTX3080. When streaming SteamVR content to the Focus 3, you first need to install a desktop streaming app to your PC. Just like for Virtual Desktop. In that software, I could use different quality settings. I had it on AUTO, which gave me the medium quality of 1728 * 1728 pixels per eye. And that looked great in VR! So higher than Valve Index resolution, better FOV (at least horizontally) and basically overall Pro 2 visuals. But wireless. I liked it.

Streaming the content worked really well. I could not recognize latency. Therefore I could play all of the rhythm games without a problem. Beat Saber, Audica, Ragnaröck, Pistol Whip. If I had latency, I would just not be able to play, therefore I believe this is a fair test.

The only problem I came across were the occasional micro-stutter. I did experience that on Quest 2 streaming as well though. So is this better than Pro 2 wireless gameplay with the wireless adapter? Well, I could play with a higher resolution on the Focus 3, which is a win. What I saw in VR looked really nice. However, on the Pro 2 wireless adapter, I did not have any micro-stutter and it felt like as good as wired. So that was better on the Pro 2. But on the Pro 2, from time to time the whole picture would turn gray and I would not be able to keep on playing. So I did not have this problem on Focus 3.

Is this better than Quest 2 wireless SteamVR streaming using AirLink or VD? No, the streaming is not better, but it is very close. If it was not for the occasional micro-stutter, it would be very very comparable. I had a great time streaming SteamVR to the Focus 3 wirelessly.

For enterprise customers who are looking for a wireless headset that can stream SteamVR content, the Focus 3 is a no brainer. And even some enthusiast consumers that do not want to buy a Facebook headset might want to have a closer look at the Focus 3. Hope that was helpful!

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